Blog Post

Writing for the Ear


This short post provides tips for writing for oral presentations.


Stories are how people empathize with one another and find meaning in the world. Writers can improve their writing by adopting techniques from the best storytellers they know.  Read More

The Doug Hepburn Story
Business Writing

Business Writing Is a Different Business


Business writing is a necessity for all professionals regardless of whether they consider themselves writers or not. This quick guide provides tips to improve any professional’s writing and reduce the number of dreaded follow-up emails he or she receives.


Everyone is a business writer. Think of the volume of emails, reports, memos, and meeting notes you look at every day. How many of them are clear and easy to understand? Being a good business writer will help you stand out from your peers. The best advice for business writing is simple: be considerate. This guide shows how anyone can be a considerate business writer. Read Guide


Lifting Himself Up, The Doug Hepburn Story


I had to write this story. Some stories inspire and make you feel that you can do anything. Then there’s Doug Hepburn’s story. Through research and consuming every nugget of information I could find, I’ve taken my shot at telling one of the most incredible stories I’ve ever heard.


Doug Hepburn was born with crossed eyes and a club foot, yet he would become the strongest man in the world. In doing so, he overcame bullying and a country that refused to support him. He performed as a professional wrestler and an amateur crooner, invented an exerciser, defeated alcoholism and campaigned against steroids use. Read the Article

The Doug Hepburn Story
Visual Metaphors

An Introduction to Visual Metaphors


In this essay, I tackled visual metaphors. Our current digital landscape necessitates visuals. They are no longer a luxury. The omnipresence of visuals presents a problem for marketers. How to create engaging visuals that stand out among the stock images and clutter? Visual metaphors are a potential solution.


Metaphors are a common figure of speech where a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable to imply a resemblance. Visual metaphors are visual tropes. They are images that stimulate viewers to understand a concept in terms of another concept. Moreover, they are common: approximately three out of ten print ads use visual metaphors.

Interested in learning more? This essay introduces visual metaphors outlining the different types, how they work, and the benefits and the drawbacks. Also, it provides examples. Learn More